Grand Council Royal and Select Masons
Annual Report - Recorder Forms

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Council Forms in PDF
Dues Notice (Form 77-116)
Petition for Membership other Council (Form 78-101)
Report of Petition for Festival Degrees (Form 78-103A)
Petition for Festival Degrees (Form 78-103 Obverse)
Petiton to Join & Form New Council (Form 78-105)
Petiton for Restoration (Form 78-106)
Report of Committee on Petition (Form 78-106A)
Notification to Petitoner (Form 78-107)
Notification to Grand Recorder of Election (Form 78-109A)
Notification to Grand Recorder of Change in Membership (Form 78-110A)
Certificate to Join and Form a New Council (Form 78-111)
Courtesy Request to Confer Degrees (Form 78-117)
Report on Progress to Confer Degrees (Form 78-117A)
Petition for Demit (Form 82-104)
Petition for Withdrawal (Form 82-104A)
Notice of Suspension (Form 82-113A)
Petition for Affilliation on Demit (Form 88-102)
Notification to Petitioner (Form 88-108)
Application for Transfer Certificate (Form 88-109)
Certificate of Election to Membership (Form 88-109A)
Transfer Certificate (Form 88-110)
Request to Grand Recorder for Life Member Certificate (Form 88-120)
Notice of Member in Abeyance (Form 94-116)
By-Laws Change - Recorders Certificate  
By-Laws Amendment Form
Council Recorder's Handbook  
York Rite Petition for Membership  (All Three Bodies)
General Grand Council Prepaid Membership Form
Annual Proceedings in PDF
2005 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2006 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2007 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2008 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2009 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2010 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2011 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2012 Annual Proceedings (Large Download)
2013 Directory
2013 Directory in PDF Format

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